Monday, October 20, 2008


Things have been speeding up over here at the Changepot household! Although we've been finding ALOT of pennies here and there, we haven't had much time to report the finds. It looks as though we'll be checking in periodically instead of daily so bear with us :)

Total : $0.63
Total so far: $2.76

Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Ketchup Post

And a glorious day to all ye out there! We've been pretty busy here the past few days! The Changepot is now THREE YEARS OLD!! Since our last posting, we've found a total of $2.13 in all change. This will be the total amount for the beginning of FY 09' (year four). The total collected in Changepot for the year 08 was : $402.72. INCREDIBLE!!!

Here's to another year of eyes on the ground and coin selling!!

Total today: $2.13
Total so far: $2.13

BTW: We also redeemed our pepsistuff caps and received a copy of the first season DVD set of HAPPY DAYS! Love those guys!!

Monday, October 06, 2008


Ahh woe is me! I haven't been updating this blog on a daily basis even though we've found change and dollar bills. Right now we've collectively found a total of $7.57 in the form of a five dollar bill, a one dollar bill, three quarters, three dimes, five nickels, and seventeen pennies. There are more coins that are unaccounted (not to mention interest accrued from the previous changepot years) which I will tally up right on time for the Changepot's third birthday (October 9).

Total: $7.57
Total thus far: $402.72

Wednesday, October 01, 2008


Today we found a total of 18 cents- a dime and eight pennies- while running errands. Not much else to report today.

Total today: $0.18
Total thus far: $395.15