Friday, July 21, 2006

Nice to see you again...

It's been a rough couple of weeks here at the Changepot. Since we're in the process of relocating, the family hasn't been able to take the long walks in search of change and the like. There have been a few days where we found absolutely nothing- and that was quite the disappointment lol. I am happy to report that the rain did leave behind a little gift for we changehunters today.

Hubby found a FIVE DOLLAR BILL by the back entrance of his office today. Apparently the cash was there for a while- hiding from the rain and sun long enough to shrink a little. Funny how found money can change a person's disposition! Hubby was pretty upset at work but finding the money made him feel much better. I happened to find a penny by my parking spot. Woohoo.. $5.01... don't hate... congratulate!

Helloo currency.. it's soo nice to see you again!

Total Cash found and redeemed today: $5.01
Total Since Blog Inception: $289.52

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