Whilst I have been entertaining my relatives for the past week, Hubby got to visit Canada (business trip). He returned bearing gifts and of course, found change for the changepot.
Apparently people aren't too fond of the currency. Hubby brought back one canadian dollar coin, one quarter, four nickels, and two dimes. I know that's not what they're called and since it's foreign to my changepot, the totals won't change to document such loony loot (bad pun- sorry).
He did find $0.54 in the form of one quarter, one dime, two nickels, and nine pennies. I didn't really care to ask him where he found the cash. I was actually impressed that he used my nifty little found change coin purse which I clipped to his keychain. Whoopee!
(..I think I may have had too much Ice cream for dessert. It's weighing me down like a ton of bricks right now).
Total Cash found and redeemed today: $0.54
Total Since Blog Inception: $310.56
Maybe we should all start a fund for the foreign currency and coinage we find along our travels.
True! My foreign currency jar has the following:
21 canadian coins
1 British two pence
1 Euro
1 asian coin (can't identify it)
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