Sunday, May 07, 2006

Cheesecake anyone??

My whole day was spent commemorating events from twenty some odd years ago. We had a family special occasion and I got to spend time with my clan. Perhaps i'll post pictures once I develop them. After the occasion, we trekked over to the cheesecake factory and then walked around this mall for a bit. The mall was packed and, as luck would have it, ripe with change!

As per blog title, Menlo was a success for both hubby and my daughter. The dynamic duo found a total of 59 cents in the form of five dimes, one nickel, and four pennies- all in various parts of the mall. Some coins were uncovered with a little help by the resourceful Mamma Jambo (spotted 20 cents of it).

Total Cash found and redeemed today: $0.59
Total Since Blog Inception: $71.87

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