Saturday, July 01, 2006

Hot in the city...

I was thinking of Billy all day today. The snarl... the aggression... yayyyy!!
The Idol-ster is way underrated, imho of course. The heat continues to beat us Noo Yawkers into submission, my packing experience is far from over, and to top it all off... I am hungry.


I do have SOME good news. We found a total of $0.02- you guessed it, in all pennies. One penny was found while I tried to bargain a quick haircut with my dominican stylist (unsuccessful) and the other was uncovered right under a soda machine in Fort Dix, NJ.

Tomorrow I'll be in lala land trying to sort out all my junk from the corrugated boxes. I'll still have my trusty laptop with me. Yay.

Total Cash found and redeemed today: $0.02
Total Since Blog Inception: $277.46

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