Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Harder to come by.

Locating ping is harder and harder these days- if it isn't snow, it's general malaise that seems to curb crowds as of late. I found a penny with a cross in the middle. How odd! I wonder if the bank will accept this penny when I deposit it in October? It's still change to me though :)

Two other pennies were found- one in school and the other on the stairs. Fortunately for us, hubby found a soggy dollar bill in the slushy snow. I think the five dollar bill (the first paper find for 2007) is calling out for more companions. Hubby lovingly tended to the dollar and nursed it back to health. Welcome to the changepot, mr. bill !!

Total today: $1.03
Total thus far: $162.77

1 comment:

nhcardhunter said...

Hi Barb, that's really interesting penny you have there. I love finding unique things like that. Good job on that dollar bill, too.

