Sunday, May 28, 2006

Good Times

The Krab clan went to visit some great friends on the other side of the island. We had so much fun! We started the summer off right by having a little BBQ and lots of chatty chats. I have also discovered a very lucrative spot for change hunting!!


Today we found a total of $5.43 in the form of a three dollar bills, six quarters, six dimes, two nickels, and twenty three pennies- making it a very profitable day altogether! We found cash in the most obscure places- at handball courts, near garbage cans, under cars in parking lots, and the best place of all, right in front of my house (thanks to the virtual stranger who felt compelled to leave some coinage chez moi!)

Total Cash found and redeemed today: $5.43
Total Since Blog Inception: $218.71

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