Sunday, June 29, 2008

Lucky seven (cents)

My daughter bought a shirt with the above statement on it. I thought it was kinda cute..?

Today we found a total of $0.07- all pennies- as we shopped for some mid-summer clothes at the new Steve and Barry's here on Staten Island. We're kinda liking that store for some reason- I guess the Old Navy craze is over :)

We spotted our next door neighbor stuffing giant plastic bags filled with recyclable cans into her pretty little lexus. She flagged us over and told us 'times are tough, gotta make money for gas somehow'. I was a little shocked because obviously she'll need more than 100 cans to make decent gas money. What gets me is she often ridicules us for picking up change- here she is picking up cans in the street during her free time. She's on the right track bless her heart!

Bill Roundup-

My daughter counted the bills in the Changepot and grouped them according to denomination. Here are the results:

Total # of bills: 64

100 dollar bill (1)
20 dollar bill (3)
10 dollar bill (3)
5 dollar bill (6)
1 dollar bill (51)

She is working on Project Foreignpot. I'm actually very excited about this finance assignment because she is going to learn some things about foreign coins. I'll get into detail about it in tomorrow's post.

Total today:$0.07
Total thus far: $358.51

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